
Organic Chemistry

Estimation of Nitrogen

Estimation of Nitrogen( Dumas And Kjeldahl’s Method)

  • Estimation of Nitrogen

For the accurate estimate of Nitrogen in an organic compound, there are two methods discussed below:

  • Dumas Method: The Nitrogen-containing organic compound, when heated with copper oxide in carbon dioxide, yields free Nitrogen in addition to C02 and H2O. If m be the mass of an organic compound, v1 be the volume of Nitrogen collected, and T1 be the room temperature, and p1 be the pressure of Nitrogen. Then:

  • Kjeldahl’s method: This method does not apply to compounds containing nitro& azo group. The mixture containing Nitrogen is heated with concentrated H2SO4 due to which Nitrogen gets converted to ammonium Sulphate.


  • M= Molarity of H2SO4& molarity of NaOH
  • m= mass of organic compound taken
  • V=Volume of H2SO4 taken
  • V1=volume of NaOH used