
Organic Chemistry

Analgesics,Tranquilizers & Antiseptics

Analgesics: Medicine used for getting relief from pain are called analgesics.

There are of two types:

  1. Narcotics: The drugs which induce sleep and unconsciousness are called narcotics. Example: Morphine, codeine, marijuana etc.
  2. Non-narcotics: Drugs which are used to control pain and inflammation are called non-narcotics drugs — examples: Aspirin, ibuprofen, Naproxen etc.

Tranquilizers/Hypnotics: The drug which acts on the central nervous systems(CNS) and reduces stress and fatigue by inducing a sense of well-being are called tranquillizers. Examples: veronal, luminal, seconal Amytal, membutal etc.

  • Mild Tranquillizers: Cleordiazepoxide, meprobante( used for relieving tension)
  • Equanil is also used for reducing depression and hypertension.
  • Reserpine is tranquillizer obtained from the Indian plant Rauwolfia serpentine used for slowing down the pulse rate and lowering blood pressure.

Antiseptics: Antiseptics controls the growth of micro-organisms. They decrease the number of micro-organisms and may kill them.