
Organic Chemistry



Disinfectants are chemical substances which kill micro-organisms bit is not safe to be applied to the living tissue. They are generally used to kill the micro-organisms present in drains, toilets, floors etc.

Examples of Antiseptic and Disinfectants are Chlorine, Dettol, Bithional, Iodine, Iodoform, Dyes, Boric Acids, Hydrogen peroxide, Salol, Mercurochrome solution, cresols. Their usage is highlighted below:

  • Chlorine is used for sterilization of water to make it fit for drinking.
  • Bithional is used to reduce the odours produced by bacterial decomposition of organic matters on the skin.
  • Iodoform is used as an antiseptic powder for wounds. 
  • Dyes are effective antiseptics used for the treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Boric Acid is used for eyewash and also for baby powders.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is used for washing wounds, teeth and ears.
  • Cresols are used as a disinfectant in soapy water.