
Organic Chemistry

Hydrocarbon and Classification of Hydrocarbon


The organic compounds which are composed of carbon and hydrogen only are called hydrocarbons.

The molecular formula of Hydrocarbon is CxHy.

We use Hydrocarbon in an LPG cylinder and many drugs.

Classification of Hydrocarbon

Hydrocarbons are basically classified as:

  1. Acyclic Hydrocarbon
  2. Cyclic  Hydrocarbon

Acyclic Hydrocarbon: The Hydrocarbon that does not form any closed shape and forms chains are called Acyclic Hydrocarbon. These Hydrocarbons are further classified into:

  1. Saturated Hydrocarbon
  2. Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Saturated Hydrocarbon: The Hydrocarbons in which Carbon-Carbon atoms and Carbon-Hydrogen atoms are held by the single bond is called Saturated Hydrocarbon. They are single bond hydrocarbon. The saturated Hydrocarbon is SP3 hybridized.


Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: The Hydrocarbon in which Carbon –Carbon atoms and Carbon-Hydrogen atoms are sometimes held by double or triple bonds at any of the places are called Unsaturated Hydrocarbon.

Cyclic Hydrocarbon: The Hydrocarbon that forms a closed shape called cyclic Hydrocarbon. These Hydrocarbons are further classified into:

  1. Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  2. Nonaromatic Hydrocarbon
  3. Anti-Aromatic Hydrocarbon

Aromatic Compounds- The organic compounds that have Cyclic, planar structure with a ring of resonance bonds that gives the increased stability are called Aromatic Compounds. They are very stable compounds.

They follow Huckle’s rule:
It consists of (4n+2) pi electrons. 

 Anti-aromatic Compounds:- These are the hydrocarbons that are  Cyclic with a pi-electron system having higher energy due to the presence of 4n delocalized electrons in it. They are highly unstable and reactive in nature.

 Nonaromatic Compounds:- The hydrocarbons that fail any of the condition( Cyclic, planar, conjugation, and 4n or (4n+2) number of delocalized electrons) are called Nonaromatic compounds.