
SAP – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

SAP Menu Bar

Menu Bar is the initial screen menu when you log in to an application in SAP. The first bar of the SAP screen is the menu bar in which all the menus are listed. The menu items that appear in the menu bar are dynamic and can vary based on the task you are performing in the SAP R/3 system. So, for different tasks, you will see different menu items. Once you click or place your cursor on the menu bar icons, the floating box will appear with a text and function key to define the icon.

There are two menus that will always be available in the menu bar on every screen of the R/3 system.

1. System Menu – This menu contains the functions that can affect the R/3 system as a whole such as log off options, create session, end session, user profile, etc.

2. Help Menu – This menu contains functions required for accessing multiple types of forms that provide online support.