
SAP – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Command Field Navigation

Command field is also known as transaction code box as the field is used to enter the transaction codes that direct your SAP screen to a certain application or task to which those transaction codes are assigned without using the menu paths. Transaction codes are very useful, and different transaction codes contain alphanumeric values that we will discuss in the later sections. You can open and close the command field with the help of the icon on the right side of the command field with an arrow icon. After writing the transaction code, you can execute the commands by clicking enter. There are some common commands that you can type in SAP command field as below:

  • /nxx to call the transaction in the same session or screen where xx is the transaction code.

  • /*nxx to call the transaction in the same session, and the initial screen is skipped.

  • /oxx to call the transaction in another addition screen or session.

  • /i to delete the current session.

  • /n to end the current session.

  • /o to generate a session list.

  • /nend to log off from the system with confirmation prompt.

  • /nex to log off from the system without confirmation prompt.

  • /ns000 is used to end the current transaction and return to the starting menu.