
SAP – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Adding SAP Application Server

SAP Logon pad allows you to add another system or connect to a new application server in SAP Logon. In order to achieve that, you need to follow below steps:

1. Click on the shortcut icon for new from the logon pad.

2. Click on next when the below pop-up appears.

3.  After clicking next the below pop-up will appear in which, you need to fill the details as mentioned below:

4. A description such as development system or production system.

  • An application server that will include your IP address to remotely access the system.

  • The instance number is installation inside the database system.

  • System Id is a two-digit or three digit identification of their specific system.

  • SAP router string helps you to access the instance through a VPN or portal.

 5. After filling these details click next and then finish to complete the configuration, and the newly created application server will be available in SAP Logon Pad for usage.