
Learn HTML and CSS in 10 Days

HTML Coding Practices

There are several things to learn and understand – multiple attributes, values, elements, properties, and a lot more – for writing HTML as well as CSS code.Every chapter that we have dealt with till now has had the main objective of clarifying these different segments of HTML and CSS, to help you to comprehend the primary essentials of the two languages.

This chapter mainly centers on the best coding tips for both HTML and CSS. These coding rehearses fill in as a larger system for composing both the languages (HTML and CSS). They apply to each exercise and ought to consistently be remembered when programming.When you are going through these best practices, just think about how they can be utilized in multiple areas.

HTML Coding Practices

Several coding best practices focus on keeping code in a well-organized manner. The general practices inside HTML are the same. The aim is to write standard-compliant and well-structured markup. The guidelines stated here offer a brief intro to coding practices with HTML; this is in no shape, way or form a thorough rundown.

Write Standards-Compliant Markup

By nature, HTML is a forgiving language that provides poor code to render and execute to different levels of accuracy. Success in rendering doesn't imply that our code is correct semantically. Apart from that, poor codes are unpredictable, and it is uncertain about what you will get when it renders. It is recommended to pay close attention while writing HTML codes and make sure to close and nest all elements rightly, to use classes and IDs appropriately, what's more, to consistently approve our code.

The code given below has several errors, closing and

elements in an incorrect order, using the 'intro' ID attribute value several times, etc.

Bad Code

Good Code

Make Use of Semantic Elements

The number of elements present in HTML is quite large. To decide the right element for the right content may get hard sometime, but they only form the backbone of semantics. We need to double-check and research our code to make sure that we are utilizing the proper semantic elements.

Below is the HTML code that does not use a proper paragraph and heading elements; instead, it utilizes elements that are meaningless to group and style content.

Bad Code

Good Code