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Exploring New Background Properties

Apart from the multiple background images and gradient backgrounds, CSS3 also provides some new CSS properties. They are 'background-size', 'background-clip' and 'background-origin'.

The 'background-size' helps in changing the background image's size, the background-origin, as well as the background-clip properties, enables us to manage the placement of the background image as well as to control where the background image is cropped in the element.

CSS3 Background Size

As said earlier, the ‘background-size’ property helps in providing a desired size to the background image. It takes in some values like length and keywords.

If you are providing the length value, then you need to give the height as well as the width separated by space. You can also give a percentage value, which depends on the size of the element. You can also use the keyword as 'auto' to preserve the aspect ratio of the image in the background.

div {

  background: url("shay.jpg") 0 0 no-repeat;

  background-size: auto 75%;

  border: 2px dashed #9799a7;

  height: 240px;

  width: 200px;


CSS3 Background Clip and Background Origin

The property of ‘background-clip’ helps in specifying the total surface area that will be covered by a background image. The 'background-origin' property let us know the position of origination of the 'background-position.' Here we are going to use three new keywords i.e., border-box, padding-box, and content-box.

div {

  background: url("shay.jpg") 0 0 no-repeat;

  background-clip: padding-box;

  background-origin: border-box;


The border-box is the default value for background-clip which allows the background image to reach out into a similar region as any border. The padding-box is the default value for background-clip which allows the start of a background image to reach out into the padding of an element.