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Width and Height

Every element comes with its pre-defined width and height. It might happen that the default value of the width and height is 0 pixel, but the browser will render each element with size.

Contingent upon how an element is shown, the default width and height might be sufficient.

On the off chance that an element is vital to the design of a page, it might require precise width and height property estimations.


The display value of an element determines its default width. Block-level elements come with a default width value as 100 percent i.e., covering the entire available horizontal space.

Inline-Block and Inline elements extend and contract horizontally to fit up their content.

The Inline-level elements can't have a fixed size; thus, the height and the width properties are only applicable to non-inline elements. If you want to give a non-inline element a fixed width,

then utilize the width property.

Example –

div {

  width: 400px;



The content present in the element determines its default height. The element will contract and expand as per the amount of content present in the element. If you want to give a non-inline element a fixed height, then utilize the height property.

div {

  height: 100px;
