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Combining Selectors

Till now, we have used different selectors individually, but now we are going to use them together. The only reason why we are combining selectors is to become much more specific about our elements.

Suppose we want to select all the paragraph element having the class attribute as dog and set the colour of their background to brown. But then if we face a paragraph with the class attribute as mustard, we need to set that background colour to yellow.

Our code will look like this.

Whenever selectors comes one after the other, they are read from right to left. The selector that is placed to the farthest point just before the opening curly braces is known as 'Key Selector'.

The 'Key selector' helps in identifying that in which element the styles need to be applied.

The selector that is located left to the key selector works as a pre-qualifier.

In the above code, ‘.dog p’ is the 1st combined selector. It has a Class and a Type selector, respectively. Both of them are separated using a single space. Here the Key selector is the Type selector which is targeting the paragraph element. As this Type selector is pre-qualified with a Class selector of 'dog', the paragraph element that comes within the element with class attribute value as 'dog' will only be selected.

The 2nd combined selector is the '.dog p .mustart'. It consists of 3 selectors, 2 Class and 1 Type selector. The only difference between the 1st and the 2nd selector is the adding up of the 'mustard' class at the end. As 'mustard' is to the right, it is the Key selector and all the selectors before it is pre-qualifiers.

Many types of selectors can be joined to target any element on the web page. As we will be using different of them, we will be getting accustomed to their power. But before that, let's have a check on how combining these selectors affect the specificity weight of a selector.

Specificity within Combined Selectors

When selectors get combined, so are the selector's specificity weight of each one. The specificity weights can be determined by counting different type of selector present within a combined selector.

In the above code, we had .dog p as our 1st combined selector. It consisted of a class selector as well as a type selector. We know that the point value of the Class selector is 0-1-0 and that of the Type selector is 0-0-1. Thus the total point value of the combined selector is 0-1-1, which can be formed by adding them up.

In the 2nd combined selector, i.e. .dog p .mustard, there are 2 class selectors and 1 Type selector. When the point value of both of them are combined, we get 0-2-1. The first 0 specifies for zero ID selector, the 2 specifies two Class selectors, and 1 says about one Type selector.

When we compare both the selectors, then we can find that the 2nd selector has a higher point value as well as specificity weight. Thus, it will get preceded in the cascade. Therefore if we are flipping the order of placement of the selectors, then it would not affect its display.

Always keep in mind to have an eye on the selector's specificity weight. Higher is the specificity weight, higher the chance for a break in the cascade.