
Learn HTML and CSS in 10 Days

Building Forms And Initializing a Form

Building Forms

Forms are one of the important parts of the internet as it allows a website to take data from the users. With the help of fields or controls, forms can ask for a large data like the shipping or billing info or even a job application and also a small data like username or password.

It is important for us to learn ways to build forms such that we can take data from the use of our input. This chapter is all about making forms using HTML and styling them with the help of CSS.

Initializing a Form

To add up a form in our web page we will be using the element. The element helps the browser to identify the page control elements will appear.

One can provide the

element with different attributes; 2 of the most common ones are the 'method' and 'action'. The 'method' attribute refers to the HTTP method that web browsers should utilize to submit the data of the form. The 'action' attributes contain the URL of the location where the data needs to be sent after the form is submitted by the user.