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CSS Aural Media/Style Sheets

The CSS Style Sheets or the CSS Aural Media helps in adding up special sound style property to the desired document elements.

Let’s see some of the properties of Aural Media:

  • azimuth – It is set at the place from where the sound should originate from.

  • Cue – It is utilized in setting the cue properties with one declaration.

  • Cue-after – It is utilized in specifying a sound that should be played after the element content has spoken.

  • Cue-before - It is utilized in specifying a sound that should be played before the element content has spoken.

  • Pause – It is utilized in setting the property of pause in 1 declaration.

  • Pause-after – It is utilized in specifying a pause after the content of the element has spoken.

  • Pause-before - It is utilized in specifying a pause before the content of the element has spoken.

  • Pitch – It is utilized in specifying the speaking voice’s pitch.

  • Pitch-range – It helps in specifying the speaking voice’s variation.

  • Play-during – It helps in specifying the sound that needs to be played while the content of the element is speaking.

  • Richness – It describes the quality of the sound of the voice that is speaking.

  • Speak – it tells that if the content is going to render aurally.

  • Stress – It tells the “stress” of the speaking voice.

  • Voice-family – It tells the family of the voice.

  • Volume – It tells the speaking voice’s volume.