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Ordered Lists

This listing works much in the same fashion as the unordered list. Here we use the element. The main difference between this and the previous one is that here the order is important. By default, the order list uses numbers.

The ordered list comes with two attributes – start and reversed.

Start Attribute

The 'start' attribute helps in defining the start of the ordered list. The default starting value of the ordered list is 1. There may be a case when the list starts at 3. By using this keyword, we can distinguish precisely which number an ordered list should start tallying from. This attribute takes in the only number.

Value Attribute

This attribute should be used with the  element to change its value in the list. The list item number showing up underneath a list item with a value attribute will be recalculated appropriately.

Here the second list item has a value of 9. So it will start from 9. All list items after that will proceed the value of 9.