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CSS Animation

This property helps in establishing the animation of the webpage. The animation is created using the @keyframe rule. It helps in managing the middle steps in the CSS animation sequence. Let’s see some of the CSS animation properties.

  • @keyframe – It helps in specifying the animation.

  • Animation – It's a shorthand property utilized in setting all other different property leaving the animation-fill-mode property and the animation-play-state property.

  • Animation-delay – It tells us the starting of an animation.

  • Animation-direction – It tells whether the animation is going to play in an alternate or reverse cycle.

  • Animation-duration – It tells the amount of time taken by animation to complete a single cycle.

  • Animation-fill-mode – It defines the static style of an element.

  • Animation-iteration-count – It determines the number of times the animation gets played.

  • Animation-play-state – It tells whether the animation is paused or running.

  • Animation-name – It tells the name of @keyframes animation.

  • Animation-timing-function – It determines the curve of the speed of an animation.

CSS Animation to change the color of the background