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Applying Text Properties

Getting accustomed with ways to set the font's size, family, weight, style, and line-height is half the way. In addition to that, we can decide ways to decorate, align, transform, indent, and space text. Let's get started with text alignment.

Text Align

Aligning text is one of the most popular ways of setting up a flow and rhythm on a web page. To do this, use the text-align property. This property takes in 5 values i.e., right, left, justify, inherit, and center.

p {

  text-align: center;


This property should not be confused with the ‘float’ property. The ‘float’ property moves the entire element to its desired value while the ‘text-align’ property aligns the text present inside the element.

Text Decoration

The property of text-decoration offers several ways to spruce up your text. The keywords that it takes in are underline, inherit, line-through, and none.

.note {

  text-decoration: underline;


Text Indent

This property helps in providing indentation to the 1st line of text inside the element. You can use length values like points, pixels, percentages, etc. A negative value will indent the text outward, while a positive one will indent it inward.

p {

  text-indent: 20px;


Text Shadow

The property of text-shadow offers us the ability to add a shadow or multiple shadows to text. This property takes in 3 values. All of them are written from left to right. The 1st three are lengths, and the last one is color.

The 1st value defines the horizontal offset of the shadow, the 2nd one says about the vertical offset of the shadow, and the 3rd defines the blur radius of the shadow.

p {

  text-shadow: 5px 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);


Text Transform

Just like the font-variant property, we have the text-transform property. The property of ‘text-transform’ helps in changing the text inline without the requirement for a substitute typeface. This property takes in 5 values i.e., uppercase, lowercase, none, capitalize, and none.

p {

  text-transform: uppercase;


Letter Spacing

With the help of the 'letter-spacing' property, one can modify the space between the letters on a web page. A negative value will make the letters to come closer to each other, while a positive value of length will push them far apart. When the value of the keyword is provided as 'none,' the space between the letters is returned to its normal size.

Providing a relative value of length with the ‘letter-spacing’ property ensures us that we keep up the right dispersing between letters as the font-size of the text is altered.

p {

  letter-spacing: -.5em;


Word Spacing

Just like the 'letter-spacing' property, we can also modify the words present inside an element using the property of 'word-spacing.' This property takes in the same values of length as taken by the 'letter-spacing' property. Rather than dispersing letters away, however, this property applies those values between words.

p {

  word-spacing: .25em;
