
Learn HTML and CSS in 10 Days

Getting to Know HTML And Semantics Overview

In the previous section, we gave a brief intro regarding HTML and CSS. Let's dive in a bit deeper into HTML and learn different components that build up this language.

To set up a website, we must know that which HTML element can give us the best results on the web page. Utilizing the correct element for the activity goes far, and we'll need to settle on well-educated choices all the while.

Semantics Overview

So what do you mean by semantics? In HTML, Semantics implies the act of giving the web page content structure and meaning by utilizing the desired element. Semantic code helps in describing the value of the web page content. There are several advantages of using semantic elements, including screen readers, computers, search engines, and other devices to peruse and comprehend the web page content adequately. In addition to that, these semantics in HTML is quite easy to work with and manage.

Let's get into some new HTML elements along with their representation and use. At first let's bring our interest to 2 elements i.e.    and    that has no semantic value. These two are only for styling purpose in a web page.