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Description Lists

Another kind of list that can be found online is the description lists. This kind of list helps to outline multiple terms with their descriptions.

To set up a description list in HTML, one need to use  element. Here instead of using the element, we use and the element inside it.

A description list might contain several descriptions and lists. In addition to that, a description list might contain several terms under each description and several descriptions per term.

While adding a description list, element is succeeded by  element. This order is really an important one to consider. The  element comes with vertical margins, same way as the  and  elements. In addition to that, by default, the  element also has left margin.

The attention to acquiring knowledge and devotion of timefor an academic subject, especially through books

A drawing or plan produced to show the look or functionality of a garment, building or other object before it is built or made

Intention, planning or purpose that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object