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Adding Media And Adding Images

We surf the internet to get some information as well as interesting content, which we generally find in plain text. To go with this plain text, HTML offers several options to put in rich media in the form of audio tracks, videos, and images as well as using inline frames one can embed content from other web pages.

The ability to add up videos, images, audio tracks as well as inline frames inside a website has been around for a long time. The support for inline frames and images by the browser has been quite good. And keeping in mind that the capacity to add soundtracks and recordings to a site has been around for a considerable length of time, the procedure has been genuinely unwieldy. Luckily, this procedure has improved and is a lot simpler with help straightforwardly from HTML.

Today, we can uninhibitedly utilize pictures, sound, video, and inline frames realizing that this substance is upheld over every single significant browser.

Adding Images

To put an image on a page, we take the help of inline element. It is a self-containing element i.e.; no content can be wrapped inside it. It comes only in a single tag. To work with an   element, an src value and attribute should be included. The 'src' attribute value is basically a URL where the server website is hosted.

With the 'src' attribute, one should also apply the 'alt' attribute that defines the image content.