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Creating Hyperlinks

Apart from text, one of the important features of the Internet is the hyperlink which helps in linking web pages. Hyperlinks can be made using the anchor, element. If you want to link one resource to another, then use the href attribute (hyperlink reference) with the anchor element.

Example -

In the above line if you will click on the "Amazon" text, then you will be redirected to http://amazon.com.

Relative and Absolute Paths

As said earlier, there are 2 types of link present on the Internet. One links with other pages inside the same website while the other links to some external websites. These links can be identified using their href values.

Links that refer to the pages of the same website will not have a relative path in their href value, i.e. it will not contain (.com, .edu, .org etc.). In this case, the href attribute value will only include the file name of the page that is linked. Example – about.html, index.html etc.

If the file is present in a directory or a folder, then it should also be present in the href value. Just take up an example like ‘index.html’ is present inside the ‘file’ directory then the href will refer to ‘file/index.html’.

If you want to link the webpage that is not present inside your website, then you will need an absolute path. Here the href attribute value will contain the full domain. Suppose you want to link to Facebook. The href attribute value here will be http://facebook.com. Check here, it starts with an http and ends with .com.

Linking to an Email Address

Sometime we may want to set up a hyperlink that leads us to our email address. For example, we have a hyperlinked text saying "Email Me", which when clicked switches to the default email window of the user.

To establish an email link, the attribute value of href should begin with mailto: succeeded by the email address where the email needs to be sent. If you want to set up an email link to xyz@precisetestingsolution.com, then the value of href should be

mailto: xyz@precisetestingsolution.com

Additionally, the body text, subject and other info for the email needs to be filled up. If you want to add the subject line, then put the 'subject=' parameter just after the email address. The 1st parameter succeeding the email address should start with the '?' (Question) Mark. Different words inside a subject line necessitate that spaces be encoded utilizing %20.

You can add the body text the same way as you did for the subject text. Use the 'body=' parameter inside the href value. As we are summing up one parameter with another, it is necessary to use ‘&’ (Ampersand) symbol to separate both of them. Line breaks must be encoded utilizing %0A.

In the above line:

Email - xyz@precisetestingsolution.com

Subject – “Reaching Out”

Body – “How are you."

Opening Links in New Window

One of the characteristic features of hyperlinks is to determine where the link will open when clicked. Generally, links get triggered in the same window where it is clicked. But there is also a way to open links in different windows.

If you want to open up a link in a new window, then use the 'target' attribute with the value as '_blank'. The 'target' attribute defines exactly where the link will be shown, and the '_blank' value ensures a new window.

Linking to parts of the Same Page

To create an on-page link we first need to give an id attribute to the element we wish linking. Then we should provide that id attribute value as the href attribute value.

The above code shows us that both the id value as well as the href value are the same. We have just used a '#' symbol at the start of the href attribute value.

Thus we are now all clear with linking pages on the internet. Hope that you liked this section.