
Learn HTML and CSS in 10 Days

Identifying Divisions and Spans

The and the elements behaves as container mainly for styling purpose in HTML. As conventional containers, they don't accompany any overall importance or semantic worth. Both elements are highly effective when creating a website.

Before continuing our study further, let’s throw some light on Block and Inline elements.

Block Vs Inline Elements

Most of the element that you are going to come across in HTML is block and inline elements.

Block-level elements are elements that start from a new line, stacking one over the other, furthermore, fits itself in any available width. Block-level elements might get nested inside each other and may wrap the inline elements. Block-level elements serves large contents.

Inline Level elements never start on a new line. They fall into the ordinary progression of a report, arranging itself one after the other, and keep up with the width of the web content. Inline elements might be nested inside each other but can't wrap up a block-level element. Inline level elements serves small contents.

The element is said to be a block-level element that is used mainly to identify large grouped content uniquely and helps in setting up a web page's design and layout. On the other hand, a is an inline-level element that is used to identify small grouped text situated within a block-level element.

You will see the use of and with id or class attributes mostly for styling. Selecting the name or value of the id or class attribute needs to be taken care of. Choose their value which alludes to the content of the element.

Comment within HTML and CSS

In the above code, you may have noticed these two notations i.e.

. Both of them have exclamation with them. Don’t worry about that. These are not elements but are comments in HTML.

HTML and CSS give us the feature to write comments inside our code. The web page will not show any content that is enclosed within a web page. Comments help the user in managing the code in a much better way, keep all the files organized and enables us to set reminders. Comments are very much helpful when multiple people are working on the same file.

The comments in HTML starts with . The comments in CSS starts with /* and finished with */.