
Learn HTML and CSS in 10 Days

CSS Resets

Not all the browsers that you work upon are the same. Every browser has its own pre-set style value for the HTML elements. It is possible that the rendering of paragraphs, headings in Chrome is different from that of Internet Explorer. To guarantee compatibility in cross-browser, CSS resets have gotten utilized widely.

CSS resets take each regularly used HTML element with a predefined style and give one unified style to all web browsers. The resets commonly involve getting rid of paddings, sizing, margins etc. As the CSS renders from top to bottom, our resets should be at the topmost position of the stylesheet. There are several resets available, but the most popular one is Eric Meyer's reset.

In all, there are a bunch of things that need to be taken care of when composing CSS. Fortunately, the sky is the limit, and with a little tolerance, we'll make sense of everything.