
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Web Forms Life Cycle

Page request: In this request, ASP.NET parses and compiles the requested page.

Page Start: It identifies the request type. Page property's request and response are set.

Page Initialization: Control's UniqueID property is set. If it's a new request, postback data is loaded else data is loaded from the cache.

Page Load: Control Property is loaded with the default values like the default value of the control.

Validations: If there are any validation applied on any control the those get called and if validations failed, then request a return with the validation messages.

Postback event handling: Post back event means calling the same page again. If there is request consider the submit request after completing the request same page should get loaded again.

 Rendering: The complete page gets loaded by writing the output to the OutputStream object of the page's Response property. Before loading, it calls the render method of each control.

Unload: When the complete page gets loaded, the server's most important activity is to clean up. The requested page first gets the load into the server's memory then send it to the browser and after that unload from the server's memory.