
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Using Internet Information Services

Using Internet Information Services [IIS]: IIS is used for hosting website/Web application and other related content.

IIS is a web server created by Microsoft.

IIS is used to provide the GUI.

It is used for creating, configuring and publishing the sites on the web.

The IIS Manager tool allows below website option to modify:

  • Default pages

  • Error pages

  • Logging settings

  • Security settings

  • Performance optimizations

IIS is base on the modular architecture. These modules basically serve process requests.


  • Perform the security-related request.

  • Specify authentication schemes

  • Perform the URL authorization

  • Filter the requests.


  • Perform tasks related to the content in the request-processing pipeline.

  • Processing requests for static files

  • Returning a default page when a client has not mentioned the specific resource.


  • Perform tasks related to compression in the request-processing pipeline

  • Compressing responses,

  • Applying Gzip compression transfer coding to responses,

  • Performing pre-compression of static content.


  • Perform tasks related to caching in the request-processing pipeline.

  • Storing processed data in memory on the server and using cached content in subsequent requests for the same resource.

Logging and Diagnostics:

  • Perform tasks related to logging and diagnostics in the request-processing pipeline.

  • Send information and process status to HTTP.