
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Ajax Client Library

The Microsoft Ajax Client Library is a JavaScript library that provides the features to work on the ASP.NET AJAX framework at client side.

Template Engine – It enables to display data on the client side by using HTML templates and a custom binding notation. This approach avoids performing page loading on the server side.

Declarative instantiation– There is no need to write the Jvascript code for client component like instantiation and configuration.

Live Bindings – At the run time it Synchronize the element properties.

Components – The ajax library provides an infrastructure which help us to create the visual or non-visual JavaScript components.

A global object – Sys.Application – It will take care of the lifecycle of client components.

JavaScript extensions – This introduced to emulate object-oriented constructs such as namespaces, classes and interfaces and to perform reflection on client types.

Abstraction API – The General operations on the DOM is automatically translated by the library into browser-specific calls.

Ajax – A set of Ajax client components are provided to handle Ajax requests and web-service calls.

 Services – The ajax client library help us to access the ASP.NET Membership, Authentication, Roles and Profile services at client side.