
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Web Forms

Web Forms [Add Step by step images on how to create the web form]

  • It is a program model.

  • It has event-driven web pages with the combination of HTML, server controls, and server code.

  • Web Forms are consist of two components the one is .aspx file and the code behind the form.

  • Web forms are tightly coupled program

  • It generates the HTML pages that display web pages.

Web forms offer below feature:

Master Pages:

Master page provide the common Layout for the application. We can use the layout page to decide the look and feel.

Application logic and UI Logic are separate and those work with the integration.

Inbuilt server control, we can just drag and drop those and include in your application.

Data bound controls such as text boxes, tables and drop-down which provide the facility of automatic presentation of Input.

The client-side script allows you to create more responsive and rich UI. We can use this scripting for the async call.

The routing to define the URL of the application. Just hit the URL in the browser, and it finds the required page in the application, and it displayed it to you.

Error handling and debugging is one of the most required, and it is provided by the Web forms model