
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Web Application Fundamentals

Introduction to ASP.NET:

ASP.NET is open-source. It is a server-side web application framework designed for web development. It allows programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services.

The the.Net framework architecture key components are as below 

Language – VB.net and C# can be used to develop web applications.

Library - The web library has all the necessary components used to develop.Net web-based applications.

Common Language Runtime - The CLR used for performing key activities. Activities include Exception handling and Garbage collection.

Following are some of the key feature of the ASP.Net framework.

Common Type System - It provides guidelines for declaring, using, and managing types at runtime, and cross-language communication.

 ADO.NET - We can work with data and databases by using the ADO.net.It  allows connection to data sources for insert, update and to delete the data.

Web Application Fundamentals: [Add one diagram here 3-tier architecture. Also, one example of how to create web application]

What is the Web Application?

The web application is a program that can be deployed on IIS and browsed as a website.

Development of web application development can be completed with the help of below different phases:

1. Requirement Analysis

2. Planning.

3. Designing.

4. Implementation

5. Testing

6. Deployment

Below are the main programs of Web application architecture:

Client-side Code: User can browse the webpage and provide the


Server-side code: User input can be responded by the server with the help of HTTP.

Web application architecture:

The web application consist of below 3-components hence we called it as a 3-tier architecture.

1. Presentation Layer (UI Layer)

2. Business Layer (Business object such as student/employee)

3. Data Access Layer (Data storage)

Web Application Development Technologies:

Below are some of the web development technologies:

Server-side: ASP.Net, Java, PHP

Client-Side: Ajax, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Benefits of using the Web Applications:

There is no installation required for web application because they run using the web server.

You can access the web program on any device provided that you have an internet connection.

Anybody anywhere can reach the web application, so its targeted audience is very large.