
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Constructors of LinqDataSource

  • LinqDataSource(): Initializes the new instance.

Few important Properties of LinqDataSource:

  • EnableDelete: true if automatic delete operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

  • EnableInsert: true if automatic insert operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

  • EnableUpdate: true if automatic update operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

  • Events: The list of event handler delegates.

  • GroupBy: A string that is used to create the Group By clause.

  • OrderBy: A string that is used to create the Order By clause.

  • TableName: A string that contains the name of the property that contains the data collection.

Few important Methods of the LinqDataSource:

  • DataBind(): It binds the data-source to the server control and child controls

  • EndRenderTracing: The design time tracing of the control is ended

  • SaveViewState: The current view state is saved

  • CreateControlCollection: A collection for storing the child controls

  • Focus: Set the focus to the control

  • GetHashCode: The default hash function to the control

  • Insert: An insertion is done