
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Rich Client Applications

Ajax rich application contains the "client-side component" and the "Server-Side Component."

We have seen the Client-side library in the section "18.6. Ajax Client Library". You can refer to those details from there.

We will see the Server Controls, and those are listed below.

The ScriptManager Contro: Refer (18.2 ScriptManager) section.

The ScriptManagerProxy Control:

When the page already has the ScriptManager control, and there is a needs to add another ScriptManager control for a nested component, the ScriptManagerProxy control will help the user to add scripts and services in the nested elements.

Frequently used properties of ScriptManagerProxy control

Scripts – It helps to get a ScriptReferenceCollection object that has a ScriptReference object for every script file

Services – It helps to get a ScriptReferenceCollection object that has a ScriptReference object for every service that is explicitly registered

ID – It helps to gets or sets the Id of the server control

Page – It helps to gets or sets the reference to the Page instance which have the server control

The UpdatePanel Control: Refer (18.3 UpdatePanel) section.

The UpdateProgress Control:

It provides the progress information in the UpdatePanel controls.



Frequently used properties of ScriptManagerProxy control:

dynamic layout - It helps to get the value to decide the progress template is loaded dynamically

ValidateRequestMode - It helps to get a value that specifies client input.

AssoiciatedUpdatePanelID - It helps to get the ID of the UpdatePanel control.

DisplayAfter - It helps to get a value before the UpdateProgress control is displayed

The Timer Control:

It performs the partial page update with the specified time interval.



Frequently used properties of The Timer Control:

Interval - It helps to get or set the number of milliseconds waiting time before the Postback to the server

Adapter - It helps to get the browser-specific adapter.

Enabled - It helps to gets or sets a value that specifies if the Timer control Postback to the server when the number of milliseconds specified.


I have added on the web form, and I have named it "AjaxExample." We can see on the left side we have a toolbox In which Ajax rich controls are available.

We can simply drag and drop the above explained all the controls.

Below will be the Html of the form will look like below:


Code behind the file will be like below:

Now build and run the application.

Below will be the output of the application: