
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Web Services

Web Services

  • Web services are also a web application.

  • It follows the code behind architecture like the web forms.

  • Web services do not have user interfaces.

Some highlights of web services:

  • It is a SOAP-based service and returns data as XML.

  • It can only be hosted on IIS.

  • It is not open source but can be used by any client that understands XML.

  • It requires a SOAP protocol to receive and send data over the network, so it is not light-weight architecture.

Web services component:

SOAP [Simple Object Access Protocol]: It provides communication and messages transfer between the two applications of the same or different platform.

UDDI [Universal Description Discovery and Integration]: It can communicate via SOAP. It creates searchable services registries.

WSDL [Web Service Description Language]: It describes web services for other application. It is a mechanism to provide communication between services and programs.