
ASP.Net A Complete Guide

Page Tracing

Page-level tracing:

We can enable individual page level tracing. This allows us to control the tracing by enabling/disabling it.

<%@ Page Trace="true" %>

<%@ Page Language="VB" Trace="true" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Details.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>


Application Level Tracing:

If you enable the application-level tracing, then it helps to provide the tracking information of all the pages. We can view the trace information with the help of a trace viewer. When it is application-level tracing, it starts tracing every request. Trace viewer has a limit of 10 requests limit. When it reaches the maximum request, then it stops storing the request information.


    <trace enabled="true" pageOutput="true" requestLimit="40" localOnly="false"/>


When tracing is enabled then an extra page called and it is trace.axd. It is added to the application. it is just a viewer which allows us to see trace information.

Ex : https://localhost:530033/trace.axd