
Blockchain Complete Guide  

Internet Of things( IoT)

IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices. It is considered to be one of cutting edge technology that is going to shape the 21st century with each device holding an IP address and connectivity with other devices. Data generation in real-time and high-end transaction speeds would be the need of the hour.

A whole new stack of technology might emerge to suffice to tomorrow's needs.

With so much of the data generated, it needs to be stored. As data processing needs to happen in real-time, central servers might not be the right fit solution.


Blockchain makes IoT secure.

Each device in the system can act as a node storing data to themselves and instead of transmitting the output to another peer device with a trust binding signature assuring that decision sent is not fraudulent.

With all that data, we can apply analytics etc. on each node and share that.

However, we will not go into that because that is out of the scope of this book.

But Blockchain could provide much-needed storage database (and a network) component to IoT.

An example of its implementation could be the Self Driving car itself which is currently using centralized servers.