
Blockchain Complete Guide  

Components of hyperledger Fabric

Participants: Nodes that form a network are called Participants.

Asset: Anything that is of value and is to transacted across the network

Transaction: Transferrence of assets from one node to another.

Chaincode: Defines an asset or assets, and the transaction instructions for modifying them. Members of each permissioned network interact with ledger using Chaincode.

Membership Identity Services: It manages Ids and authenticates participants.

Access Control Lists: Provide additional layers of permission

Hyperledger Sawtooth

Hyperledger Sawtooth was originally contributed by Intel.

Permissioned: Also, a Permissioned Blockchain and a certain degree of trust among participants exists.

Pluggable Consensus: Uses PoET (Proof of Elapsed time consensus mechanism which is a lottery design based consensus protocol which optionally builds on trusted execution environments provided by Intel’s Software Guard Extension) and also allows change of consensus algorithm at runtime.

Seth: Sawtooth Ethereum Integration Contract. Seth is a transaction processor integrating the Hyperledger Burrow EVM.

Hyperledger Indy

Permissioned: Also, a Permissioned Blockchain and a certain degree of trust among participants exists.

C++ Design: Has a Domain-driven C++ design.

Mobile Development: Focuses on Mobile Development and for devices which can connect and disconnect from network at will.

YAC Consensus: Follows yet another Consensus approach.

Hyperledger Iroha

Identity Management: Best Fit for Digital Identity, Healthcare and finance.

It is being used in Cambodia to create a new payment system alongside the National Bank of Cambodia.

Hyperledger Burrow

Permissioned: Permissioned Blockchain Node. This project builds a permissible smart contract machine along with the design specification of Ethereum