
Blockchain Complete Guide  

Hyperledger and Frameworks of Hyperledger


Hyperldeger is an open-source collaborative effort governed by Linux foundation which aims cross-industry blockchain technology

What Hyperledger is and isn’t?

Hyperledger is not Blockchain, Company or a cryptocurrency. Hyperledger is a project under Linux Foundation in which we have multiple framework and tools using which we can create Blockchain.

It has multiple frameworks each of which is suitable for certain kind of use cases

Frameworks of Hyperledger

There are multiple frameworks under Hyperledger umbrella. Most of them are designed, keeping in mind the private blockchains.

Hyperledger Fabric 

Hyperledger Fabric is the most mature framework under Hyperledger umbrella. It is primarily used in Enterprise settings to make transactions between multiple businesses more efficient.

It allows defining Asset types and consensus protocols. It has a multi-channel architecture with a configuration for permitting on who can join the network.

There are two types of nodes in Architecture:

1. Peer

2. Ordering

The ledger consists of databases of the current state and a log of transactions while in Bitcoin, we don’t have any. Transactions (Asset addition, updation and transferrence) take place using Chaincode.

Permissioned: It is permissioned, and there is a certain degree of trust among participant in the network.

Pluggable Consensus: To accommodate the different business need, it supports pluggable consensus mechanism. We can choose the consensus algorithm based on our use case and participants in the network. Unlike Ethereum which comes bundled with an existing Consensus algorithm in POW (However Ethereum is looking to switch its consensus algorithm from POW to POS).

Channels: Also, two or more nodes can establish their private channels. This property mainly helps in case of competitors being part of the same network

Ledger data can’t pass from one channel or other.

It is useful for use cases like Supply Chain, Healthcare, Financial and Legal Usecases where confidential data has to be transmitted.