
Blockchain Complete Guide  

Market Trends: Blockchain As A Service

With Microsoft Azure already joining the bandwagon. It’s not far when it will be a standard business model among other cloud service providers.

Blockchain is what the internet was in its early 2000s. Even in nascent stages, it already has become a massive outright technology. Organisations like Morgan Stanley, Citi Bank and Pepsico previously have worked on POC and have installed pilot use cases.

Blockchain helps access, secure and monetise our data in a distributed fashion, which is very difficult with the current implementation and how can we make that as a service. Blockchain is just a data structure, but unlike database, which holds data and stores its current state, blockchain holds all the transaction we make onto the system so that we can replicate the state anywhere throughout the system.
We can’t delete the transaction, but we can always replicate it.

We already have several distributed database available in our current system, but with blockchain, we get fault tolerance