
Blockchain Complete Guide  

Blockchain Architecture: Important Terminologies (Hashes & Hashing Function)

For transaction processing, we have to convert our transaction into an encrypted form so no other party can view the transaction details. We need some mechanism to ensure security for the process of message transmission so that the intended recipient can only read the message. Tokenisation Hash is a function that generates a value of values from text using the mathematical function. The mathematical function helps generate the hash, which helps to protect the security of transmission against any tempering.

Hashing is a process of taking a string of any length and giving out an output of fixed length.

There are many Hashing algorithms available. One very popular among those is SHA-256 (Secure Hashing Algorithm).

In SHA-256, irrespective of string length, the output will always have 256 bits’ length.

A Cryptographic Hash Hash function has various properties making it suitable for Cryptography.

Properties of Hashing Function:

  • Fast Computation

  • Deterministic

  • Data should be a substantially large amount. A small amount of data would make it feasible for hackers to find out the input from the hash.

  • A small change in data should make substantial changes to hash so that It can be assured that hash from one string shouldn't infer hash of a similar string.

  • Collision Resistant