
Blockchain Complete Guide  


 An actual Blockchain will have five elements

1. Immutability

2. Encryption

3. Distribution

4. Tokenization

5. Decentralization


Completed Transactions are cryptographically signed, time-stamped and sequentially added to the chain. Records cannot be tampered with, made changes to unless all participant on the network agrees to.

It has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


1. Not only the data but the stages of data, whole transaction history is kept on ledger.

2. With Existing system, central party can temper with data history; with blockchain data is safe and can’t be tempered with.

3. No one party controls the system. If few nodes in the network leave the network, network still remain intact.


1. Garbage in, garbage out.Once bad data becomes part of the block, it will remain on-chain forever. We can change the state, but that would need extra effort.

2. Sometimes we might need to go back to previous states
(like in case of “The DAO” explained later) To preserve the the state. That would be tedious job with Blockchain because of Immutability.