

Hierarchy in the level of the organization


  • Ernst Haeckel coined the term ecology. Ecology is broadly defined as the study of the interrelationship between a living organism and their environment.

Hierarchy in the level of the organization

  • The hierarchy in the level of the organization connected with ecological hierarchy. The individual organism is the basic unit of an ecological hierarchy. The organism of the same kind may from several populations inhabitant is an assembly of the population of different species of plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi that live in a particular area and interact with one another through competition, predation, mutualism etc.
  • The ecosystem is a segment of nature consisting of a biological community and its physical environment, both interacting and exchanging material as well as energy.
  • A biome/biosphere is a large regional unit delimited by a specific climatic zone, having a particular major vegetative zone and its association fauna.

Figure: The hierarchy in the level of the organization

  • Major biome :
  1. Tropical rain forest
  2. Savannahs
  3. Desert
  4. Grasslands
  5. Tropical deciduous forest
  6. Tundra
  7. Taiga

Figure: Biome distribution based on temperature and precipitation

  • No organism can live alone. It has to interact with its immediate surroundings, which includes both biotic and abiotic factors.
  • The environment is the sum total of all biotic and abiotic factors, substances, and conditions that surround and potentially influence organisms without becoming their constituent part.
  • Climate is along with the property of the atmosphere, which is the same over a larger area and remains the same over a long period of time. Climate determines the flora and fauna of a place.
  • A habitat is a specific place or locality selected by a combination of factors, physical features, and barriers where a community resides. Niche or ecological niche is a specific part of habitat occupied by individuals of species which is circumscribed by its range of tolerance, range of movement, etc.