



  • Morophogicslly, the seed is the integuments, mature, megasporangium, which is developed from fertilized ovule and contains an embryo. A seed may have 1 or 2 covering called seed coats- outer, thick, hard, testa and thinner, thin tegmen.
  • There are two types of seeds. The kernel may also contain endosperm, present in endospermic or albuminous seeds like cereal, castor, coconut, etc. in exalbuminous or non-endospermic seeds like gram, pea, mustard, etc, the endosperm is entirely consumed by the embryo.

1 Classification of seeds

  • There are one cotyledon in monocots and two cotyledons in dicots.
  • In some seed below the seed coat, a very thin membrane is found over kernel called perisperm. The embryonic axis differentiated into radical and plumule.
  •  In monocot seeds, the radical is protected by a sheath called coleorhiza, and the coleoptile protects the plumule.



Figure:  monocot seed