

Cell Wall

Cell Wall

Features of cell wall

  • Consists of cellulose microfibrils running through a matrix of other complex polysaccharides.
  • It is mainly composed of the middle lamella, primary, and secondary cell walls.
  • Middle lamella is made up of pectates of calcium and magnesium.
  • Plasmodesmata, linking the cytoplasm of an adjacent plant cell, is present in the cell wall. It encloses tubular extension of ER celled desmotubules.
  • Plasmodesmata from channels for controlled passage of small-sized particles between adjacent cell s well as the transfer of some specific signals.

6.5.1 Functions of cell wall

  • It provides mechanical support and protection.
  • Prevents osmotic bursting of the cells.
  • Pathway for the movement of water and mineral salts.
  • Cement neighboring cells together.
  • Provides protoplasmic continues called symplast for the transport of substances between cells.