
Hadoop Tutorial

Ubuntu User Configuration

We will set up a single Hadoop cluster using a dedicated Hadoop user "hduser”.  To do this, we have to log in as root user, then create a user and have to give sudo permission. 

Step 1: From your user, log in to root using sudo su command. It will land you to root user.


sudo su


Step 2: We will use a dedicated Hadoop user account for running Hadoop, while it is always recommended because it helps to separate the Hadoop installation from other users. We will create a group hadoop and create & add a user hduser on it.

sudo addgroup hadoop

sudo adduser hduser


sudo adduser hduser hadoop

Step 3: Now, we have to add the hduser to the sudo list so that it can have admin properties.

sudo visudo

This command will take you to the sudo user list. Now go to under # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command, add hduser and set ALL permission on it using:

hduser  ALL=(ALL: ALL) ALL  

Now press Ctrl and x to exit, then Y to save and entre to return to the command prompt.

Step4: Now logout your system and log in with the new user hduser. From now on, we only work with the hduser.