
Hadoop Tutorial

Installation Process Of Apache Pig

In this section, I will help you to install Apache Pig step by step. We assume that you have correctly configured Java, Hadoop, and HDFS. Please check your configurations, and if everything is fine, please proceed to the installation of Pig.

Step1: We start with downloading the latest version of apache Pig. Go to the page https://pig.apache.org/releases.html  and proceed with Download options.

I will work with the latest version of Pig. Please continue with that.

After successfully downloading the file, go to the download location and check whether it is appropriately downloaded or not. Usually, it will be under /home/hduser/Downloads directory.

Step 2: Move the file to a suitable location. It is always recommended to keep all the Hadoop related applications in the same location. I am going to move this to /usr/local directory.

Step 3: Now, unzip the file in the same location.

Step 4: change the owner of the directory to the hduser and provide proper permission on it.

Step 5: In this step, we will integrate the PIG_HOME to .bashrc file. Add the below lines to the file.


export PIG_HOME=/usr/local/pig-0.17.0

export PATH=$PATH: /usr/local/pig-0.17.0/bin


After save and exit this bashrc file, execute the below command to make the changes work in the same terminal.

Step 6: Now, check the Pig version using the below command. If every step is fine, it will return the installed version on the screen.  

Step7: We can know the detail of Pig commands using the help option.

Step8: Run Pig command to start the grunt shell. Grunt shell is used to execute Pig Latin scripts.

We are now ready to work on Pig.