
Hadoop Tutorial

NoSQL Data Management

A NoSQL database which stores and retrieves data differently than a traditional relational database. NoSQL databases are also known as non-relational databases, or as Not-only-SQL databases, the reason for giving such a name is because they can have a SQL-like language, which is used to query data. NoSQL databases rose to popularity with the emergence of companies such as Google and Amazon because of the requirements of real-time web applications combined with massive amounts of data (Big Data). Its simplistic design allows horizontal scalability across multiple nodes easily, resulting in high availability.

Hadoop is not free from some limitations when it comes to processing and retrieval of data. HDFS is apt at sequential querying of data. But one notable weakness of HDFS is, it cannot query data randomly. For example, if Hadoop were to look up a word in the dictionary, finding the right word would start from the beginning and go through every line. But with a NoSQL database, you could randomly go to a page and start looking or go to a specific letter and start viewing there, which could have taken much less time.