Characteristics of Big Data
Application of Big Data Processing
Introduction to BIG DATA
Where to get Big Data?
Types of Big Data
Storage layer - HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
How Hadoop works?
Hadoop Eco System
Hadoop Architecture
Hadoop Installation & Environment Setup
Setting Up A Single Node Hadoop Cluster
Ubuntu User Configuration
SSH Setup With Key Generation
Disable IPv6
Download and Install Hadoop 3.1.2
Working with Configuration Files
Start The Hadoop instances
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
HDFS Features and Goals
HDFS Architecture
Read Operations in HDFS
Write Operations In HDFS
HDFS Operations
YARN Features
YARN Architecture
Resource Manager
Node Manager
Application Master
Application Workflow in Hadoop YARN
Hadoop MapReduce
How MapReduce Works?
MapReduce Examples with Python
Running The MapReduce Program & Storing The Data File To HDFS
Create A Python Script
Hadoop Environment Setup
Execute The Script
Apache Hive Definition
Why Apache Hive?
Features Of Apache Hive
Hive Architecture
Hive Metastore
Hive Query Language
SQL vs Hive
Hive Installation
Apache Pig Definition
MapReduce vs. Apache Pig vs. Hive
Apache Pig Architecture
Installation Process Of Apache Pig
Execute Apache Pig Script
Hadoop Eco Components
NoSQL Data Management
Apache Hbase
Apache Cassandra
Introduction To Kafka
The Architecture of Apache Flume
Apache Spark Ecosystem
Pig is a high-level programming language for analyzing large data sets, usually in a Hadoop environment. A pig was a development effort at Yahoo! In a MapReduce framework, where programs need to be translated into a series of MapReduce phases. However, this is not a direct programming model that data analysts are familiar with. So, to bridge this gap, an abstraction called Pig was built on top of Hadoop.
We generally integrate Pig with Hadoop. All the data manipulation operations are performed in Hadoop using Apache Pig. To develop data analysis programs, Pig provides a high-level language known as Pig Latin. This language offers various operators using which programmers can develop their functions for reading, writing, and processing data.
To analyze data, programmers need to write Pig scripts using the Pig Latin language. Pig Engine accepts the Pig Latin scripts as input and internally converts to Map and Reduce jobs.
Apache Pig enables us to focus more on analyzing huge data sets and to spend less writing time for Map-Reduce programs. The Pig language is designed to work upon any kind of data. That's why it is named after Pig!
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