

Earthworm Morphology And Anatomy


  • An earthworm is a reddish-brown terrestrial invertebrate that inhabits the upper layer of the moist soil.
  • The common Indian earthworms are Pheretima and Lumbricus.

Morphology of earthworm

  • The earthworm has a long cylindrical body.  The body is divided into more than a hundred (100-120) short segments called metameres.
  • The first body segment is called the peristomium (buccal segment), which contains the mouth. In mature worms, segment 14-16 are covered by a prominent dark band of glandular tissue called the clitellum. Thus, the body is divisible into three prominent regions: preclitellar, clitellar, and postclitellar segment.

Figure: body of an earthworm

Anatomy of earthworm

 1 Alimentary canal of the earthworm

  • The alimentary canal is straight and runs between first to the last segment of the body. The alimentary canal comprises of mouth or buccal cavity (1-3 segment), pharynx, esophagus (5-7 segments), muscular gizzard (8-9 segment), stomach (9-14 segment), intestine (15 to the last segment).

   Figure: Alimentary canal of the earthworm

 2 Circulatory system of earthworm

  • Closed type of blood vascular system, as blood is confined to heart and blood vessels.

Figure: closed Circulatory system Nervous system of earthworm

  • The nervous system is well developed and consists of central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. Excretory system of earthworm

  • The earthworm is both ammonotelic and ureotelic.
  • Nephridia perform the function of excretion osmoregulation.


        Figure: Nephridial system of earthworm

3 Reproductive system of earthworm

  • An earthworm is monoecious but cannot fertilize their egg as they are protandrous.
  • Male reproductive system includes testes, testes sacs, seminal vesicles, vasa differentia, prostate glands and accessory glands.
  • The female reproductive system consists of ovaries, oviducts, and spermatheca.

Figure: Reproductive system of earthworm