

Male Reproduction System

Male reproduction system

  • The male reproductive system is located in the pelvic region; it consists of a pair of the testis, accessory duct, accessory gland, and male external genitalia.

Figure: Male reproductive system

1 Testis

  • Testis: A pair of the testis is situated outside the abdominal cavity. It is covered by the scrotum. The function of scrotum is the maintain the temperature 2 – 2.5?C lesser than the normal body temperature, which is stable for the formation and survival of germ. Externally testis is about 4 – 5cm in length 2 – 3cm in width inside the testis. There are about 250 compartments called testicular lobules inside the testicular lobules. There are highly coiled called seminiferous tubules in which sperm are produced.

2 Seminiferous tubule

  • Structure of seminiferous tubule: seminiferous tube has 2 types of cells. Male germ cell or spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. Male germ cells undergo mitotic division leading to the formation of sperm. Sertoli cells provide nutrition for the male germ cells. The space outside the seminiferous tubule is called intestinal space; it has blood vessels and interstitial cells or Leydig cells. Leydig cells produce a testicular hormone called Androgen.

3 Accessory duct

  • Accessory duct: accessory duct include rete testis, vasa efferentia epididymis, and vas defense. Vas defence leads to the urinary bladder and opens into the urethra. The external opening of the penis through which the sperm goes out is called the urethral meatus.
  • Accessory gland: the male accessory gland includes a pair of seminal vesicles prostate glands and bulbourethral glands. The secretion of these glands is seminal plasma, which is rich in Ca, fructose and in a certain enzyme. Seminal vesicles provide a medium of the movement of sperm. Bulbourethral gland helps in the lubrication of the penis.