



  • Movements are one of the significant features of living beings. Movement is defined as any visible changes of position, exhibited by the whole organism on one or more parts of the body. It is an important characteristic of living organisms. Movements are not restricted to organisms or part organisms containing a hard skeleton.

Types of movement

  • Types of movement :
  1. Amoeboid movement: movement with the help of a finger-shaped protoplasmic extension (pseudopodia or false feet) is called amoeboid movement. E.g., amoeba.
  2. Ciliary movement: Ciliary movement is a movement with the help of cilia is called ciliary movement. cilia re short, fine, a hair-like structure present all over the body-surface in large numbers, which beat in succession in a coordinated  manner to help in movement. Ciliary movement occurs in our internal tubular organs that are lined by ciliated epithelium. E.g., paramecium
  3. Flagellar movement: movement using flagellum, e.g., some protists like euglena and also in spermatozoan's of mammals.
  4. Muscular movement: Muscular movement is a movement with the help of muscles. These are carried about by the movement of myofilaments packed within the muscles fibres. E.g., vertebrates.