

Important Terms

  • Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity and variation.
  • The characters that are being passed from one generation to the other called hereditary charters.
  • Variation may be defined as the difference in characteristics shown by the individual of a species and also by the offspring or sibling of the same parents.


  • Gene is the inherited factor that determines the biological character of an organism. A pair of contrasting characters are called allelomorph or allele.
  • The dominant allele is one of the factors of an allelic pair that can express itself, whether present in the homozygous or heterozygous state. E.g., T (tallness in pea), R (round seed in pea).
  • The recessive allele is the factor of an allele pair that is unable to express its effect in the presence of its heterozygote. E.g., t (a dwarf in pea).
  • In homozygous conditions, organisms have two similar genes or alleles for a particular in a homologous pair of the chromosome.
  • An organism containing two different alleles or an individual containing both dominant and recessive alleles of a gene is called a heterozygous condition. When only one allelic pair is considered in cross-breeding is called a monohybrid cross. When two allelic pairs are considered in a cross, it is called dihybrid.
  • The genotype is the sum total of heredity, or genetic makeup and phenotype is the external feature of an organism.