
Python Programming

Python Loop Statements

It allows to execute a statement or groups of statement multiple times.

In Python following type of loops to handle looping:

1.    while loop

2.    for loop

3.    nested loop

1. while loop:

It is a group of statements which repeats while given condition is TRUE and tests the condition before executing loop.


while Condition:


    exit condition

For example: Please write below code in IDLE and run it.


Hello 1

Hello 2

Hello 3

Hello 4

Hello 5

Hello 6

Hello 7

Hello 8

Hello 9

Hello 10

2. for loop:

It is execution of set of statements multiple times and manage the loop.


for Condition:


For example:

Output: 1 2 3 4         # why not 5 think it !!!! you are smart

3. nested loop:

It can be used one or more loop inside while or for loop.For example:

Output:  1 1 1 1 22 333 4