
Python Programming

Accessing Attributes

You access object's attributes using dot operator with object. A class variable would be accessed using class name as follows:



print("Total Employee %d" % Emp.empcount)

Now, putting all concepts together −

"This create first object of Employee class"

emp1 = Emp("Zara",2000)

"This create second object of Employee class"

emp2 = Emp("Manni",5000)



print("Total Employee %d" % Emp.empcount)


Name :  Zara,Salary:  2000

Name :  Manni,Salary:  5000

Total Employee 2

You can add/remove/modify attributes of classes and objects at any time :

emp1.eage = 7  # Add an 'age' attribute.

emp1.eage = 8  # Modify 'age' attribute.

del emp1.eage  # Delete age attribute.

Instead of using normal statements to access attributes we can use following functions:

  • The getattr(obj, name[, default])−to access attribute of object.

  • The hasattr(obj, name) − to check attribute exists or not.

  • The setattr(obj,name, value)−to set attribute. If attribute don’t exist, then it would be created.

  • The delattr(obj, name) − to delete attribute.

hasattr(emp1, 'eage')    # Returns true if 'age' attribute exists

getattr(emp1, 'eage')    # Returns value of 'age' attribute

setattr(emp1, 'eage', 8) # Set attribute 'age' at 8

delattr(empl, 'eage')    # Delete attribute 'age'